Citizen Initiatives

RECLAIMING AMERICA through "Single Issue Amendment Conventions"


















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RECLAIMING AMERICA through "SINGLE ISSUE" Amendment Conventions

State Legislatures alone have the authority to “limit” the agenda and authority of a Federal Convention.  The States alone can Call for a “Single Issue” Convention.  Through Delegate Resolutions the deliberations at the Convention can be safe, predictable and successful.   Congress does not have the authority to define a “Single Issue” Convention.  Congress’ authority, under Article V of the United States Constitution, requires it to convene a Convention as Called for and defined by the Several States.  State Legislatures alone have the authority to enforce the terms, duration, agenda and conditions at a Convention. 

Article V of the United States Constitution reserves to the States the right to "Call" for a Federal Convention for the purpose of amending the United States Constitution when Congress, the Courts and/or the Executive Branch refuse to address an egregious wrong suffered by the people.  Citizen Initiatives is advancing “Single Issue” Amendment Conventions in all 50 States for each of the following proposed Amendments:


 States Rights Amendment   ●  Traditional Marriage Amendment  ●  Energy Amendment  ●  Truth in Media Amendment  ●  School Voucher Amendment  ● Balanced Federal Budget Amendment  ●  Parental Rights Amendment  ●  Restoring the 2nd Amendment  ●  Prayer in America Amendment  ●  Constitutional Heritage AmendmentProperty Rights AmendmentFree Markets Amendment  ●  Unborn Child Amendment ●  Health Care Choice Amendment  ● Term Limits Amendment ● Political Correctness Amendment ● Truth in Education AmendmentLegal Immigration AmendmentAmerican Sovereignty Amendment ● Constitution ● Incremental Legislation


Some of the many topics discussed:    What are “Single-Issue” Federal Conventions?  ●  A Constitutional Discussion ●  From the Articles to the Constitution  ●  How do "Single Issue" Conventions work?  ●  Why haven’t we used them before?  ●  Can we reclaim the moral high ground in America? ●  Can we reclaim fiscal sanity in America?   ●  What needs to be done?  ●  What can citizens do?  ●  Question & Answer Session  ●  For my children's sake, how can I get started to help Reclaim America from our adversaries?


Charles Kacprowicz's book is a must read for everyone who is serious about reclaiming the moral and economic high ground in America.  RECLAIMING AMERICA through "SINGLE ISSUE" CONVENTIONS is packed with facts and statistics about our government, history and Single Issue Amendments.  A national strategy is presented for amending the United States Constitution State by State.   Local, State and Regional organizations are described to show how Legislative Calls will be secured from State Legislatures for each proposed Amendment.   You will learn why the only Constitutional strategy  left for redeeming America from its plunge into moral degeneracy and financial ruin is the "SINGLE ISSUE" Federal Convention.  


Order your copy today: Reclaiming America through Single Issue Federal Conventions. Charles Kacprowicz


ISBN:  978-0-9723007-4-2

LCCN: 2010923999

Soft Cover

318 pages

1st Printing 2010

© 2010

List Price: $19.95 each




Description SKU #




"SINGLE ISSUE" Citizen Initiatives

BK-RA103 $19.95 each


Featured Article for Charles Kacprowicz:





    Charles Kacprowicz Ezine Article: Ezine Directories

    Featured Authority Author: Charles Kacprowicz 

    Church Supporters:  Bethel Missionary Baptist

    Book by Charles Kacprowicz at Reclaiming America through Single Issue Citizen Initiatives

    Fair Tax Act:  National Debt Awareness Center


Citizen Initiatives

Single Issue Amendment Conventions

962 Oak Ave., #15  Spruce Pine, NC 28777-0523  /

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