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RECLAIMING AMERICA through "Single Issue Amendment Conventions"




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Saving our Republic with "Single Amendment Conventions" and Delegate Resolutions under Article V, through State Legislatures, bypassing Congress, the Courts and Executive Branch . . . . . . .

"We are in a battle for the minds and souls of men."  Ronald Reagan



Constitutional Convention

George Washington, President presiding


Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees to every State a Republican form of government which gives each State equal standing - regardless of population - when calling for an Article V Amendment Convention.  The Countermand Amendment protects the Founder’s original intent by asserting and protecting States Rights guaranteed under Article IV, Section 4. and Amendments 9 and 10.

Article V of the U.S. Constitution reserves to the several States the right to call for an Amendment Convention for the purpose of proposing Amendments to the U.S. Constitution when the government refuses to address an egregious wrong suffered by the people. The Legislatures can make multiple Single Issue Amendment Convention Calls on Congress simultaneously with each one addressing one or more Amendment issues. Legislatures alone have the authority to ‘limit’ the agenda and authority of Delegates they send to a convened Article V Convention. This sovereign authority does not reside in United States Congress, nor in the Federal or State Courts, nor in the Federal Executive Branch, nor in State Executive Branches of government. This authority resides solely in STATE LEGISLATURES.


The genius of the Founders came when they designed Article V, empowering State Legislatures to safely and quickly address egregious wrongs ignored by the government and remedying them with pre-approved ‘Single Issue Amendments’. An Article V Convention is not a Constitutional Convention on the order of our 1787 Convention. It is simply an Amendment Convention. The First Congress in 1789 used the ‘Single Issue Amendment’ method when it sent the Bill of Rights to the States for ratification. Each of the Amendments were preapproved by the First Congress and State Conventions were required to ratify or reject them one Amendment at a time. It is the same method Congress used over the last 200+ years.


Under Article V Delegates are Ambassadors of their Legislatures. THEY ARE NOT FREE AGENTS!  They are commissioned to complete the terms and conditions at an Amendment Convention defined by their ‘Legislature’ in the Delegate Resolution - which includes a pre-approved Amendment text by the Legislatures.

Citizens Initiatives is advancing the Countermand Amendment in all 50 State Legislatures. Alaska was the first State to approve the Call on Congress directing it to convene the Countermand Amendment Convention. They also adopted the Delegate Resolution for their Delegates. 30 State Legislatures have already been introduced to the Countermand Amendment and Delegate Resolution. Many have already placed it on their dockets.


The political and social climate in America has deteriorated badly. Our Constitutional Republic hangs in the balance. The Countermand Amendment is the last opportunity legislators have to restore our Constitutional Republic, States Rights and national heritage in one Amendment.  When deciding what Countermands should be initiated each State Legislature will have one vote regardless of population. The Countermand Amendment alone can rescind, in a matter of days, government and non-government abuses such as:

1. Social Media protections in ‘Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act’ that prevents free speech,
2. Funding of schools that teach Marxist ‘Critical Race Theories and other ideologies that are brainwashing our youth,
3. Presidential Executive Orders that make America an Open Border nation,
4. Federal debt and overspending, and many more.

Citizens, under their Rights in Amendment I, are directing you to sponsor the Article V Countermand Amendment in your Legislature. Introduce it (along with the following documents; Countermand Amendment, Application on CongressDelegate Resolution  and covering letter) to other legislators in both Chambers asking them to be Co-Sponsors. Our plan is to see the Countermand Amendment Convention convened no later than July of 2022. In order to do this, it may be necessary to convene Special Legislative Sessions. With yours and 25 other State Legislatures adopting the Delegate Resolution, the business at the Convention will be completed in 7 to 10 days.


Citizen Initiatives will serve the Legislatures, in all 50 States, as their facilitator. This will avoid possible violations of the prohibitions in Article I, Sect. 10, Clause 3:

"No State shall, without the Consent of Congress ,... enter into any Agreement
or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power,..."


Citizen Initiatives will be organizing a special national Countermand Amendment Committee. Its purpose will be to study past, current and proposed Federal laws that the 50 State Legislatures have shown interest in countermanding. Once sufficient agreement has been reached by Legislatures the Committee will organize countermands for the purpose of rescinding them. There should be two State legislators on the Committee from each of the 50 Legislatures – one from each Chamber. The Legislatures are to appoint these legislators as members of the Committee. There will be an ongoing flow of information from Committee legislators to their Legislatures. From this interaction laws, judicial decisions, agency rulings, Executive Orders, etc. can be rescinded. Once a law, etc. is rescinded, the Federal government will have two options:

1. Abandon the law, etc.,
2. Rewrite the law, etc. in a way more amenable to the States. The Legislatures, of course, could Countermand and rescind rewritten laws as well.

The Countermand Amendment will become an ongoing tool for Legislatures that will create a balanced governing relationship between States and the Federal government.

Countermand Amendment Directors will be available for teleconferences and in person meetings with legislators, special caucus and/or Committee meetings.  Each State Legislature is requested to provide $150,000 each year to help offset expenses Citizen Initiatives will be incurring to facilitate the Countermand Amendment in all 50 States. The funds provided are for a two year term. If ratification of the Countermand Amendment is not completed in two years, the Legislatures will be asked to review progress of the Countermand Amendment initiative and decide if they want the funding to be extended for another two year term.

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Donations can also be mailed to Citizen Initiatives 962 Oak Ave., #15 Spruce Pine, NC 28777-0523*


*Donations are not tax deductible. 

Citizen Initiatives

Single Issue Amendment Conventions

962 Oak Ave., #15  Spruce Pine, NC 28777-0523  /

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