Citizen Initiatives

RECLAIMING AMERICA through "Single Issue Amendment Conventions"





Countermand Amendment
Sovereignty Amendment
Sovereign States Rights Amend
Balanced Budget Amendment
Energy Amendment
Health Care Choice Amend
Free Markets Amendment
Unborn Child Amendment
Traditional Marriage Amend
Restoring 2nd Amendment
Truth in Media Amend
Constitutional Heritage Amend
School Voucher
Truth in Education Amend
Legal Immigration Amend
Term Limits Amendment
Property Rights Amendment
Prayer in America Amend
Parental Rights Amend









The States alone have the authority to “limit” the agenda and authority of a Citizen Initiatives.  The Constitution does not authorize "Open" Conventions.  The States alone can Call for a “Single Issue” Convention that proposes an Amendment.  When the States agree among themselves through Interstate Agreements, independent of their "State Resolutions" Calling for a Single Issue Convention, they can determine the purpose, terms, conditions, duration, and agenda at the Convention.  When they use Delegate Resolutions they can control the convention with a pre-drafted Amendment without an Interstate Agreement (Article V analysis).

Congress does not have the authority to define a “Single Issue” Convention.  Congress’ authority, under Article V of the United States Constitution, empowers it to convene a Convention as Called for and defined by the Several States. 

Article V of the United States Constitution reserves to the States the right to "Call" for a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of proposing Amendments to the United States Constitution when Congress and/or the Courts refuse to address an egregious wrong suffered by the people. 

Article IV, Section 4 guarantees to every State a Republican Government which gives each State equal standing when Calling for a Constitutional Convention.  The smaller States can reclaim the economic and moral high ground in America.

We can reclaim our Constitution through "Single Issue" Citizen Initiatives one grievance at a time.  Join us in the most critical and urgent Constitutional battle in our history. 


Citizen Initiatives

Single Issue Amendment Conventions

962 Oak Ave., #15  Spruce Pine, NC 28777-0523  /

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