The States alone have the
authority to “limit” the agenda and authority of a Citizen Initiatives. The
Constitution does not authorize "Open" Conventions. The States alone can
Call for a “Single Issue” Convention that proposes an Amendment. When the
States agree among themselves through Interstate
Agreements, independent of their "State Resolutions"
Calling for a Single Issue Convention, they can determine the purpose, terms,
conditions, duration, and agenda at the Convention. When they use
Delegate Resolutions they can
control the convention with a pre-drafted Amendment without an Interstate
Agreement (Article V analysis).
Congress does not have the
authority to define a “Single Issue” Convention. Congress’ authority,
under Article V of the United States Constitution, empowers it to convene a
Convention as Called for and defined by the Several States.
Article V of the United
States Constitution reserves to the States the right to "Call" for a
Constitutional Convention for the purpose of proposing Amendments to the United States
Constitution when Congress and/or the Courts refuse to address an egregious
wrong suffered by the people.
Article IV, Section 4
guarantees to every State a Republican Government which gives each State
equal standing when Calling for a Constitutional Convention. The smaller
States can reclaim the economic and moral high ground in America.
We can reclaim our Constitution through "Single Issue"
Citizen Initiatives one grievance at a time. Join us in the most critical
and urgent Constitutional battle in our history.